Tasmania for a sea change

  1. Tasmania is green

    Tasmania is Australia’s most heavily forested state. Half the island, covering 3.3 million hectares, is forest. Nearly 40% of Tasmania is protected in World Heritage wilderness areas, in national parks or in other reserves.

  2. Tasmania is clean

    The north-west of Tasmania boasts what is officially the world’s cleanest air.

    There are no coal-fired power stations in Tasmania. Energy is produced by renewable hydro-electric and wind generation. There is one power station fired by gas, which burns more cleanly than coal.

    (Localised air pollution can occur in some areas of Tasmania during winter months, when many burn wood for heating. There is a particular problem in the Launceston district. Check local conditions if this is an important factor for you.)

  3. Housing is affordable in Tasmania

    Hobart has the lowest housing costs of any state capital in Australia. And outside Hobart it is cheaper still.

  4. Tasmania has a mild climate

    Tasmania has a cool temperate maritime climate with low humidity compared to the mainland.

    World land surface temperatures for the period December 2006 to February 2007 were the hottest on record. Globally, the ten warmest years on record have all occured since 1995.

    Tasmania’s cool climate is ideal in a warming world.

  5. Tasmania will be little affected by climate change

    A CSIRO report shows that, up to 2040, Tasmania will be little affected by climate change. This is primarily because Tasmania is an island surrounded by water, which moderates the temperature.

  6. Tasmania is not crowded

    With a population under half a million Tasmania is Australia’s least populated state. There is minimal traffic in Tasmania compared to the mainland of Australia. And people are friendly because they are less stressed.

    Tasmania has the lowest crime rate of any state in Australia.

  7. The pace of life in Tasmania is relaxed

    In Tasmania very little seems urgent. Migrants notice it. Getting things done takes time.

  8. Tasmania is a playground
    Honeymoon Bay, Freycinet. Tasmania has clean ocean waters.
    © Jim Lovell

    No place in Tasmania is more than 115 kilometres from the sea. It has a coastline of 5,400 kilometres – more than the NSW and Victoria coastlines combined. Tasmania has the highest per capita level of boat ownership of any state in Australia.

    Over one-third of Tasmania is set aside as reserves and parks. Tasmania is a recreational paradise.

  9. The food and drink in Tasmania are exceptional

    With fertile soil and pure rainfall from clean air, Tasmania has an amazing variety of the best in meat, seafood, dairy, fruit, wine and beer. Tasmania has the largest area under organic farming per head of population in Australia.

    Stay healthy. Tasmania has the food for you.

  10. In Tasmania the trend is up

    The Tasmanian economy is growing and the lifestyle is constantly improving.

    The changes are easily seen in the fact that excellent cafes, coffee shops, restaurants and food providers have sprung up in all the major cities. Tasmania is not what it used to be.

    Tasmanians pay the lowest rate of state taxes in the nation. Unemployment is at record low levels.

    Exports are up more than 31 percent in the past year. Construction in Tasmania is at record levels. Residential building approvals are up by more than 13 percent while, during the same period in the past twelve months, the national growth rate in building approvals has been less than one percent.

    Retail trade in Tasmania has never been so high. The mining sector in Tasmania is booming. Domestic and overseas tourist numbers are increasing. And Tasmania can expect a boost when even a small percentage of the millions of baby-boomers, who are about to start retiring, choose to make their home on the island.

    For enterprise, for employment, for study or for an active retirement, Tasmania has it all.

The information and links on this website have been assembled with the intention of helping readers to start the research process and to make their own decision about whether to relocate to Tasmania. Such a move involves considerable expense, especially for property purchase, tenancies, travel and furniture removal. There are risks involved in such decisions.
We advise readers to research a possible move with care and to verify information with all due diligence.
Our provision of a link to a third party does not imply our endorsement of that organisation or of their products or services.
Russell Falls, Mt Field National Park.
© Jim Lovell
Tasmania has an abundance of fresh water for domestic consumption.

Tasmania is tops: Bill Bryson

From a report in The Mercury, 3 Feb 2007

Best-selling travel writer Bill Bryson rates Tasmania as one of the world’s top spots.

“It deserves to be better known,” he said in Hobart yesterday. “It’s as good as anywhere in the world. It’s got scenery, great food, history, friendly people, great climate – there’s nothing more you could ask for.”